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250L - Small Outdoor Toxic Substance Store



This solution is a compliant Outdoor Safety Cabinet that's purpose-built for the safe storage of toxic chemicals in the outdoor environment.

As a tough, durable Outdoor Toxic Substance Store, this unit is fully relocatable via forklift channels and can be secured to the ground. It has a cambered roof to maximise rainwater run-off, and heavy duty, cyclone-proof construction.

You may store a range of different chemical container sizes in the 250L - Small  Outdoor Toxic Substance Store with it's long slim design suiting vertical spaces. The perforated shelving is fully adjustable and allows for airflow within the store, preventing a build up of vapours. 

This Outdoor Chemical Store arrives with a liquid tight spill containment sump (88 litre capacity), ventilators and compliant warning placards.  Order your Outdoor Toxic Substance store direct from Storemasta today - or get in touch to learn more about dangerous goods risk management for your site.


  • Doors with 270° hinging to provide easy access
  • ISO locking bars for high security
  • Natural ventilation that complies with AS/NZS 4452:1997
  • Forklift channels for easy relocation
  • Heavy duty adjustable perforated shelving
  • Cambered roof for rainwater run off
  • Earthing stake and mounting
  • Appropriate safety signage that complies with AS 1216 and AS 1319
  • Designed and manufactured in full conformance to AS/NZS 4452:1997 - The storage and handling of toxic substances

Dimensions (mm)

ExternalH 1995W 785D 900
InternalH 1690W 770D 755

Storage Capacity

Max Capacity 250L
Drum Size0.5L 2.5L 5L 4L
Drum Size20L 60L
*****5 Storage levels
Calculations based on these package size

Dangerous Goods Compliance Specifications

Complies with AS/NZS - 4452 - 1997
Sump Capacity 94.2L

Other Specifications

Weight 188.0 kg
Shelf Levels 2
Storage Levels 3
Shelf Thickness (mm) 28
Shelf spacing (mm) 165
No. of Shelf Lugs 10

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