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Flare Containment Safe


The Flare Containment Safe is a purpose-built protective container filled with PyroBubbles®, offering an effective solution for managing active flares. When a Class 1.4 explosives flare is placed into the PyroBubbles®, it is instantly cooled and suppressed, leaving behind a safely extinguished and packaged flare encased in a layer of melted PyroBubbles®.  This solution is ideal for security, riot control, policing operations and football stadium applications.

Before removing the flare, ensure the container's exterior and the top layer of PyroBubbles® have fully cooled. Once cooled, the flare can be removed and discarded responsibly. Any remaining PyroBubbles® that are uncontaminated can be reused for future applications. 

Developed by Genius Group, Germany, the Flare Containment Safe is trusted by authorities across Europe for its ease of use and rapid intervention capabilities, making it an essential safety solution for managing flare-related hazards. 


  • Designed to suppress flares and torches 
  • Reusable once flare is removed 
  • 0.8mm Aluminum sheet
  • 30mm hardened Pyrobubble board

Dimensions (mm)

ExternalH 380W 390L 595
InternalH 330W 360L 565

Storage Capacity

Max Capacity 67

Other Specifications

Full Weight 22 Kg

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