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Single Depth Toxic Substance Store - 2 IBC


Storemasta's Single Depth Toxic Substance Store - 2 IBC provides an ideal solution for immediate, safe, approved and efficient storage.

This Australian-made range offers outdoor storage for large quantities of dangerous goods, without the problems and expense associated with building fixed stores.

Each Single Depth Toxic Substance Store - 2 IBC is purpose built to specifically comply with your requirements and can include shelving compartments, decanting systems, pump stations, poly bund linings and built-in eyewash facilities.

This trusted Relocatable Bulk Dangerous Goods store has a capacity of up to 2000 litres of toxic substances in the outdoor environment, while reducing risk.


  • Constructed with quality steel sheeting
  • Doors which fold back 270° for ease of access when loading and unloading IBC’s with a forklift
  • Easy access: each IBC accessible via forklift
  • ISO locking bars for high security
  • Natural ventilation that complies with AS/NZS 4452:1997
  • Lifting lugs, forklift channels and locating plates
  • Finished in high build 2 pak polyurethane primer and high gloss topcoat, total build thickness minimum of 120 microns
  • Cyclonic proof construction
  • Earth stake and mounting
  • Cambered roof for rainwater run off
  • Liquid tight spill containment sump with compliant capacity
  • Engineered footing details available
  • Suitable for storage of IBC’s and pallets
  • Appropriate warning and safety signage that complies with AS 1216 and AS 1319
  • Designed and manufactured in full conformance to AS/NZS 4452:1997 - The storage and handling of toxic substances

Dimensions (mm)

ExternalH 1950W 2790D 1440
InternalH 1300W 2500D 1225

Storage Capacity

Max Capacity 2000L
Calculations based on these package size

Dangerous Goods Compliance Specifications

Complies with AS/NZS - 4452 - 1997
Sump Capacity 500L

Other Specifications

Weight 569.0 kg
Storage Levels 1

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