Chemical Spill Kits

Chemical Spill Kits

If your organisation uses hazardous chemicals, it's important to implement several controls to manage chemical spills.

Reduce your Risk with Hazmat Spill Kits

Chemical spills can become catastrophic events involving  chemical reactions, harm to employees, fires and environmental damage. In fact, Hazchem spills can be so severe that section 357 of Australia’s Model WHS Regulation makes it mandatory for organisations to mange the risk associated with chemical spills.

To enable organisations to meet their obligations, Storemasta supplies a range spill control kits for chemicals. Storemasta's Chemical Spill Kits are designed to contain spills from a variety of hazardous chemicals including acids, caustic substances, disinfectants, glues, paints and pesticides.

Hazchem Spill Kit Sizes and Components

Storemasta's range of chemical spill clean-up kits come in a range of sizes. The sizes of Storemasta's Hazmat kits include 240L and 140L wheelie bin spill kits and 50L carry bag spill kits. The components contained in Storemasta's chemical spill control kits include absorbent booms, absorbent pillows, absorbent pads, waste disposal bags and gloves.

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Get the answer with FAQs.

What’s in a Chemical Spill Kit?

A Chemical Spill Kit is for use with hazardous substances and includes materials to contain and clean up a spill, as well as dispose of the waste created by the accidental release of chemicals. The Storemasta range of Chemical Spill Kits include a bag or wheelie bin to keep the contents dry and in one place, booms for containment, absorbents such as wipes, pads and pillows. It also includes nitrile gloves and contaminated waste bags with ties.

How do you use Zeolite Floor Sweep?

When there is a leak or spill, stop the leak at the source. Use your absorbent materials such as pads or booms to prevent the spill travelling further. Open your Zeolite Floor Sweep and spread the material generously over the spill starting from the outside. Using a stiff broom, sweep back and forth until the chemical spill is absorbed. Using a dust pan, collect the floor sweep and dispose of according to waste management guidelines.

Are Chemical Spill Kits made in Australia?

Yes, the Storemasta range of Spill Kits are made in Australia and offer both quality and cost-effectiveness, with the convenience of refills also available.