Chemical & Dangerous Goods Storage Containers

Chemical & Dangerous Goods Storage Containers

Chemical Storage Containers are relocatable solutions for the compliant storage of dangerous goods and hazardous chemicals. Chemical Storage Containers provide the necessary risk controls to reduce the likelihood and impact of a hazard when storing your chemicals or dangerous goods in the outdoor environment. 

Dangerous Goods Containers that Comply with Australian Standards

Storemasta manufactures a range of Hazardous Goods Containers that are engineered to comply with the Australian Standards. The range includes Miniseries containers, Chemical Drum Containers, walk in Dangerous Goods Storage Containers and Bunded Chemical Containers for the storage of IBCs.  

Australian Made Chemical Storage Containers

Storemasta's Bunded Chemical Storage Containers are not modified dangerous goods shipping containers.  Each container is specifically manufactured to reduce risk and improve efficiencies in the storage and handling of dangerous goods. Designed and built in Storemasta's manufacturing facility, these Chemical Storage Containers offer exceptional quality, durability, safety and efficiency for any site that manages the risks associated with dangerous goods. 

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Dangerous Goods Containers

Dangerous Goods Containers

The Storemasta range of Australian-made Dangerous Goods Containers are an excellent solution for storing dangerous goods and hazardous substances outdoors. Compliant DG Containers Made in Australia Dangerous Goods Storage Containers are designed and manufactured to withstand any environment. Some of the advanced features of Storemasta Dangerous Goods Containers include cyclonic proof construction, rainwater run-off system, engineered footing details and fiberglass flooring. All Storemasta Dangerous Goods Storage Containers are designed in full conformance to the Australian Standards, such as AS 1940 or AS 3780. Storemasta's Walk In Containers are relocatable, which makes them a perfect solution for outdoor storage of dangerous goods on construction and mining sites. DG containers are fitted with heavy duty base plates and lifting lugs which makes them easy to transport. You can stack the 10ft or 20ft DG Storage Containers two high, which means that space at your site is maximised.
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Outdoor Miniseries

Outdoor Miniseries

Storemasta Outdoor Miniseries range provides a heavy duty outdoor chemical storage solution that meets the requirements of the Australian Standard. Chemical Stores for Most Dangerous Goods Classes These tough outdoor chemical storage containers are available in a range of models including small Flammable Liquids Stores to large Oxidising Agent stores. Whether you're storing toxic substances, corrosives, organic peroxides or pesticides, we have the Outdoor Chemical Store to suit your operations. Outdoor Chemical Storage from 250 litres to 850 litres Outdoor Miniseries are manufactured in a range of sizes from 250 litre to 850 litre chemical storage capacities. Designed and manufactured in Australia, these Outdoor Chemical Storage Cabinets are made from cyclonic proof materials, making them ultra tough and built to stand the test of time. Each Outdoor Chemical Storage Container features compliant spill containment, natural ventilation and forklift channels to allow for easy relocations.
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Outdoor Drum Stores

Outdoor Drum Stores

Storemasta's range of fully relocatable Outdoor Drum Stores are purpose-built for the safe and compliant storage of dangerous goods, including flammable liquids, oxidizing agents, organic peroxide, toxic substances or corrosive products.  Proudly Australian made and constructed in full conformance with the Australian Standards, these chemical or oil drum storage systems suit the storage of large quantities of dangerous goods — without the expense of a permanent store.   Compliant Drum Storage for your Dangerous Goods The range of Outdoor Drum Stores offer a range of controls including ISO locking bars for security, ventilators, cyclonic proof construction, spill containment and the appropriate dangerous goods and hazard signage. Need dangerous goods containers with extra features?  Storemasta Outdoor Drum Stores may be tailored to include chemical resistant linings and eyewash facilities.  Designed to be moved with ease, the Drum Store is equipped with durable lifting lugs, forklift channels, locating plates and 270° folding doors for easy access. All Storemasta oil storage containers are finished with a high build 2 pack polyurethane primer and high gloss topcoat, for durability and longevity in the outdoor environment.  
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Outdoor IBC Stores

Outdoor IBC Stores

Storemasta manufactures a range of bunded IBC Chemical Storage Containers for the storage of dangerous goods. Each IBC storage container is manufactured to comply with the specific requirements of the hazardous chemical that will be stored within the IBC storage facility. This includes dangerous goods such as flammable liquids, oxidising agents, organic peroxides, toxic substances and corrosives. Compliant IBC Storage Made in Australia This trusted range of bunded IBC Storage Units are manufactured in Storemasta's Australian manufacturing facility. Local manufacturing allows Storemasta to produce high quality products which is essential for storing dangerous substances such as flammable liquids and corrosives.  Each IBC spill containment unit is manufactured from heavy duty steel, finished with a 2 pack polyurethane coating and marked with the relevant dangerous goods signage. 
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Hazmat containers for every site
Each DG Container is specifically designed to reduce risk and improve efficiencies. Made in our Tasmanian manufacturing facility, these solutions are built with quality steel and world-class manufacturing processes. This produces exceptional DG Containers that can withstand the harshest outdoor environments. Storemasta's Bunded Chemical Storage Containers are purpose-built solutions, that are more effective than modified dangerous goods shipping containers.

Get the answer with FAQs.

What is a Chemical Storage Container?

A Chemical Storage or Dangerous Goods Storage Container is a piece of equipment specifically designed and constructed to provide storage for goods in the outdoor environment. This storage equipment allows risks within the store to be controlled, while maintaining safety in the outdoor environment due to weatherproofing, natural ventilation and cyclone protection.

Are there different types of Outdoor Chemical Storage?

Storemasta provides a range of Outdoor Chemical Storage options to suit the storage of larger volumes of dangerous goods. Select stackable Dangerous Goods Storage Containers in 10ft and 20ft models, IBC Stores, Drum Stores — and the outdoor Miniseries range for smaller capacities.

How do you secure an Outdoor Dangerous Goods Container?

To secure your outdoor storage is easy. Simply close the doors on your Chemical Storage Container or DG Container, slide in the bolt in the door locking system and secure with a padlock. We recommend securing your chemical storage equipment every time it’s not in use, and having systems in place to ensure that staff understand the locking procedures.

What size drums can fit in a Hazmat Storage Container?

If you’re using chemical drums in your operations, choose a Drum Store, Miniseries or DG Container. Each of these can comfortably fit a range of drum sizes to suit your workplace needs. The Storemasta range includes outdoor chemical storage options up to 8000L or 32 pallets. The units may also be fitted with optional extras such as additional shelving or mid rack shelving systems.

How many IBCs can be stored outdoors?

The Storemasta range offers options for IBC storage from 1 to 10 IBCs in the Outdoor IBC Stores series. We also offer Dangerous Goods Containers up to 20ft in size. Simply select the storage option that best suits your workplace requirements to safely store your chemicals outside. Alternatively, you may speak to our helpful DG Storage Consultants who can help you find the Outdoor Chemical Storage model to meet your specific needs.

What classes of DG can be stored in Chemical Storage Containers?

Storemasta Chemical Storage Containers are purpose-built storage solutions for larger quantities of dangerous goods or hazchem in the outdoor environment. These units can be tailored to suit the class or division of your dangerous goods, whether they are Class 3 Flammable Liquids, Class 6 Toxic Substances or Class 8 Corrosive Substances, Storemasta Chemical Storage Containers can safely house your goods in dedicated stores. Remember though: segregation is vital to ensure that no incompatible substances are stored in the one unit. Always segregate goods and check your safety data sheets to ensure they can be stored with other goods of the same class or division.

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